While I would love to take credit for her spiritual growth, I have to say that our church has done a lot for Ellie. Our church really takes pride in it's Sunday morning and Wednesday evening classes for little ones. They're always saying that they're not just babysitting kids while we're in church or in our own small groups, but they're really working hard to teach kids the word of God and to know it well.
Caleb and I were first caught off guard and impressed when Ellie came home singing a song that taught her how to sing all of the books in the old testament and in the right order (we still want to get this on video by the way).
A few weeks ago, her Sunday school teacher handed me some flash cards to help Elliana with her latest scripture memorization. Imagine my shock when I sat down to work on this with her and she already had the whole thing memorized! I'm not saying she didn't glance at the flash cards (which by the way she can't read so she's just going off of a picture), but she didn't look at them much.
Am I bragging on my daughter here? Yes! I think most parents would. :) But I'm also bragging on our church. I'm just so happy to see Ellie growing so much and enjoying learning about God and loving him with her whole heart!
Without further ado, I give you Ellie reciting John 14:1-6:
“Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. 2 In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. 3 If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.4 And you know the way where I am going.” 5 Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the way?” 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me."
I can't even tell you how much I loved that video. I made Jeremy watch it with me this morning and we were both amazed at how much she was able to memorize. And that voice! I die...
Every time Dad and I watch this video we are amazed!!! Not only because she's only 4 years old and has memorized more than some adults have. But also because of her joy and excitement about learning more about Jesus and the bible!! :) Ellie is soo cute with how she lives for Him!! We love her!!:)
I watched this on facebook and it melted my heart...her little voice!
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