Exactly one week from today we will find out if we will be bringing home a baby boy or a baby girl in March.
I can hardly wait!
A few weeks ago Caleb and I were out on a date and we took our envelope with the baby's gender marked inside to Macy's. We carefully picked out a boy outfit and a girl outfit and handed both outfits to the lady at the counter. When I explained to her that we didn't know the gender and that we wanted to open a gift on Christmas morning, she was beyond excited and willing to help us out. She got SO into it! It made the experience SO much more fun for us!
After handing the outfits to her, we left our credit card and walked away while she picked out the correct outfit, placed it in a box, and taped the box shut so we wouldn't be tempted to peek inside. We were very careful to pick two outfits that cost the exact same. Not only did we successfully leave the store without knowing which outfit had been placed inside the box, but we will always have a great memory from that night. I will never forget how much fun we had, and the expression and smile on the lady's face at the counter. She even wrote us a very sweet little note that read:
"Hi Mr. and Mrs. ________: Thank you for letting me help... :) it's my sincerest pleasure! Best wishes and blessings for a healthy baby- and a wonderful future filled with love! My name is _____ - please feel free to call me after you open the box" and then she left her phone number. Isn't that sweet?!
We took the box home and wrapped it and now it's sitting under our tree-just waiting to be opened!
It's been a while since I have updated everyone on my pregnancy, so here goes.

How far along: 24 Weeks and 3 days.
Size of Baby: Baby is about a foot long (about the size of an ear of corn) and weighs just over 1 pound.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I hate sharing this part- I've gained 16 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: Definitely- and still growing. Even some maternity shirts are beginning to look small on me.
Gender: We'll be finding out in 7 days! We had that ultrasound 6 weeks ago, and it's been hard to wait.
Movement: Constant movement these days. I feel baby move many times throughout the day. This baby is strong!
Sleep: I'm sleeping pretty well these days. It's getting harder to roll over in bed and I have to get up a few times throughout the night to use the restroom.
Symptoms: Strong movement from baby on a regular basis. :) This baby is also active. My sense of smell is still very strong too.
Best Moment This Week: When Caleb put his hand on my belly and said "Whoa, that was definitely the strongest kick I have felt so far".
What I'm Most Looking Forward To: Finding out who this new little person is growing inside me and calling him or her by name.
We will definitely be sharing our news on here after we share with our families. Want to make a guess? Just leave me a comment.
I don't know if I'll be back on here before Christmas, so if not, I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!