Monday, May 27, 2013

Seeing The Light

I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the warmer weather, maybe it's the fact that June is here in just 6 days, but suddenly that heavy cloud that was over my head and robbing me of the joy of this pregnancy is gone. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, and my excitement to meet this new little person is back and in full bloom. Yay! :)

Here I am, 34 weeks pregnant. :)

My gestational diabetes is still as complicated as ever, and even though I'm still having to watch my diet and take insulin injections, it's suddenly become so much easier now that I can see the end in sight and I know I will be holding my baby in no longer than 4.5 weeks.

A lot happened this past week to remind me of why I'm doing all of this.

The first and biggest reminder was the ultrasound we had on Friday. I had forgotten how cool it is to have a visual picture of that life growing inside you. Our baby is definitely in on the keeping everything a secret/ mystery/surprise plan. Baby was head down and face down so we couldn't even see his or her face. Then the technician said it was a good thing we didn't want to know the gender because baby was doing a great job of hiding that from all of us too. :)

I just left the ultrasound thinking about how I can't wait to meet who God has chosen to be the perfect and last addition to our family.

Another thing that lifted my spirits this week was my most recent Dr's visit. On Wednesday, my Dr. informed me that they will likely schedule the c-section at 38 or 38.5 weeks (sooner than she had originally told me) so I know now I have no more than 4.5 weeks left!

Then, with all of this new excitement in me and knowing we don't have a ton of time left, I had fun creating a baby pool for friends and family to guess the arrival date, gender, weight, etc. for this baby. Please, feel free to make a guess if you'd like.

Here's the link:

We've really enjoyed reading over all of the guesses! :)

And last but certainly NOT least, I'm excited to announce that we FINALLY have names picked out (well, sort of-the girl name is down to 2 options).

For a long time we were trying to find names that started with E since we have an Elliana and an Ethan. Then as time went on we realized we weren't really in love with any E names and we felt like we were trying to force it too much, so we decided to just go with names that we really liked with special meaning to us.

If we have a boy we will name him Noah. If we have a girl, her name will be either Audrey or Emsley.

I would love to go into the meaning of each name and what they mean to us, but I'll save that post for another day.

In other news, we had a wonderful Memorial Day. We went with Caleb's parents to the mountains for a picnic and had SO much fun with the kids! After eating lunch we walked by the river, let the kids splash and throw rocks and watched the many white water rafters that came by.

I think it may have been one of our last outings as a family of 4. Here's a few favorite pictures from today:

I hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day too!


Courtney said...

I've already said this on Facebook but that new picture of you and Caleb is one of my favorites ever taken of you guys. You are glowing Chris, I'm sorry it took to almost the end of the pregnancy to get that way but you'll be holding a new little baby before you know it.
P.S. It's a girl.

Becky said...

Yay for seeing a light at the end of the tunnel! I can't believe that the end is already approaching so fast, where does the time go?! And I LOVE the names you've picked out, they are all great! Looks like you guys had a wonderful holiday weekend and you were able to find a place in the mountains that wasn't crawling with people!

Dareth said...

So excited to hear you are doing well. I love the name choices! Cant wait to meet your new little guy or girl. I cant seem to get my votes into the pool. I will try again today if it isnt too late :) The kids are getting so big. Your family is beautiful!

About Me

My Photo
I am a daughter of the King. Saved by grace. Follower of Christ. I love my God and I believe that he is faithful and true to his word! I'm still figuring out and trying to follow his plan for my life. I am a wife to my best friend Caleb, a mother to my miracle babies (they are my greatest joy and challenge), a sister and best friend to 3 passionate women, and a daughter to 2 amazing parents that continue to teach me what it is to be real and faithful to God and his word. I am lucky to get to be a stay at home Mom (thanks to God's provision). I love music, singing, coffee, cooking, baking, traveling, our beautiful state of Colorado, and mostly being with the family and friends that I love!

Husband, Caleb

Husband, Caleb
Caleb is an amazing husband and father. He is always so good to me. He is my best friend. He is the romantic one. We love to laugh and spend time together. We've been married for 7 years and I just love that I get to spend the rest of my life with him.

Our 1st Miracle

Our 1st Miracle
Elliana Faith... God blessed us with our first miracle little girl in December 2008. She is sweet, smart, spunky, funny, strong willed, precocious, extremely outgoing, vocal and so full of life! She brings us so much joy.

Our 2nd Miracle

Our 2nd Miracle
Ethan James,.. God blessed us with our little boy in March 2011. Ethan was a bit of a surprise and an even bigger miraclle. Ethan is ALL BOY! He is very active, into sports and running around. He is also sweet, introverted, affectionate, and laid back. These days he often has us laughing, he's starting to show a little bit of "clown" in him. He makes our hearts happy too. :)

Our 3rd Miracle

Our 3rd Miracle
Emsley Jeannette... Our surprise baby girl was born on June 11th, 2013 and came into the world 4 weeks early. Her first 2 weeks of life were spent in the NICU, but due to God's hands and the prayers of many people, she grew quickly and came home to join our family! She is an easy, sweet baby and we are enjoying getting to know her personality.


We fight one day and then the next day we're fine. We're always loud and crazy when we get together. We're very passionate. We've been through it all together, lots of ups and downs. We're eachother's biggest supporters.


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