That being said, to be fair to Miss Emsley I have to at least document each month of her first year since I did for Elliana and Ethan.
Emsley, you are TWO months old now!! I simply can't believe how fast the last two months went.
~At 2 months old, you weigh 9 pounds, 10 ounces, and you are 21.75 inches long.
~You are in the 16th percentile for height and the 10th percentile for weight. You are officially our biggest baby, which is crazy considering you are our only preemie.
~You're still wearing newborn clothes, but are just beginning to wear 0-3 months in clothes.
~You're wearing size 1 diapers.
~You are still nursing and/or taking a bottle every 3-4 hours.
~You smiled for the first time at me (Mommy) at a little over 4 weeks old. It melted my heart and made me happy! You are now smiling on a daily basis. Most often you smile at me, Ellie and your cousin Devyn. :)
I still haven't been able to capture one of your big smiles on camera,
but these pictures are pretty darn close. :)
~You sleep about 16 hours in a 24 hour period. Some nights you even sleep through the night! On the nights you don't sleep through the night, you only wake up once. We are so thankful to have such a good night time sleeper on our hands.
~However, we have not established a good nap time or daily routine. Your daytime sleep is very inconsistent and varies quite a bit. You do seem to like to nap in the morning the most.
~Over the past two weeks you have started to coo, blow raspberries and "talk" to me and the rest of our little family.
~I'm still trying to figure out your little personality. You are very happy if you are well fed and rested and... if you're in some one's arms. :) Maybe this means you are an extrovert? You often fuss to be held even if you are well fed and rested. You don't mind being passed around, in fact, I think that's when you are happiest. You also seem to be easy going.
~You have just begun to become more expressive and make many faces. Here's just a couple:
~Your sister and brother adore you, but they show it in different ways. Ellie likes to help take care of you. She loves to hug and kiss you and I often have to tell her to be give you some space. Ha! Ethan likes to come over, rub your head and call you "CUUUTE!" and then "remind" me that you need your pacifier. After admiring you briefly he likes to run off and play. You sometimes don't love how loud both of them are and every time they scream near you (which is too often) or begin crying, you instantly start crying. I can't wait to watch your relationships develop with both siblings.
We love you so much Emsley and we already can't imagine life without you. You are the perfect addition and completion of our family. I'm so looking forward to watching you grow and develop into your own little person!
P.S. All of the professional pictures in this post were taken by my BIL and SIL Nate and Amanda. They have their own photography business called The Shalom Imaginative. I adore these pictures and will treasure them forever! Thanks Nate and Amanda!
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