Thursday, August 12, 2010

He Still Works Miracles!

I've been dying to write this post. Over the past two weeks I've been crying tears of joy and tears of fear, I've been shocked, anxious, nervous, cautious, scared, awestruck and overjoyed. I've been praying, reading God's word and praising Him continually. I'm happy to report that up to this point, we've received nothing but good news!

I'm sure you've guessed it... Yes, I am PREGNANT!

Although I believe that each and every baby is a miracle, this one is truly a miracle to us and came as a shock to me and Caleb. Let me explain.

Seven weeks ago I suffered my 2nd miscarriage. My Dr. asked me to take a month off from trying to conceive to let my body heal from the miscarriage (this is very typical). So, I did NOT take the clomid (fertility drugs) and did not pay any attention whatsoever to any of my fertility signs. In my mind, we were taking a month off.

A few weeks later my Dr. asked me to come in and have my blood drawn again to confirm that my HCG levels (pregnancy hormone) were all the way back down to zero. I was back down to zero, so she called and told me that I could start trying to get pregnant again.

When you're using clomid to try and conceive, you have to wait until your period starts to take it. Here's some history about me, I haven't had a period without the help of hormones (either birth control pills or clomid) since I was a young teenager. So, I was expecting to have to kick-start my cycle so I could start trying to get pregnant again.

After that call from my Dr. I took progesterone for 7 days to get my cycle started. I've done this several times before and my period has always started on or before the 7th day. This time, however, there was no sign of my period. I waited another day, and then another. By the third day I was very discouraged. I thought that my body was really messed up now.

Then a friend suggested that maybe I was already pregnant. I quickly dismissed that thought knowing that I couldn't possibly have ovulated without the help of clomid. Still, the thought stayed in the back of my head. I figured I should at least take a test to rule it out.

The next morning I took a test and it was POSITIVE! The line was much darker than any of the tests I had taken the month before. Shocked and confused, I ran over to Caleb, woke him from his sleep and told him the news. I then called my mom and sisters and asked them to pray!

I went right in to the Dr. that morning to have them draw my blood to get my HCG levels. The number was already triple what it had been the month before! I went in again 4 days later and the number had more than quadrupled. I went in again one week later (this last Monday) and the number was high enough that I could have an ultrasound!

So, we had our first ultrasound tonight and we saw one, beautiful, tiny, HEARTBEAT! Statistics say that once you see a heartbeat, the chance of a miscarriage drops significantly.

I don't know what the future holds for this baby, but I will always see him or her as a miracle. I couldn't be more excited and awed by God right now. I'm sure he's trying to prove to me and to the rest of the world that he is bigger than any medical problem, and stronger than any fertility drug. HE decides when life begins and ends. We serve an awesome God!

I am 6 weeks, 2 days pregnant and baby is due April 6th, 2011. I am so excited!

I want to thank my family and friends that have prayed so faithfully for me. It means more than I can say.

"When they see among them their children, the work of my hands, they will keep my name holy; they will acknowledge the holiness of the Holy One of Jacob, and will stand in awe of the God of Israel." Isaiah 29:23

P.S. For any of you that are having difficulty getting pregnant, please understand that I have been there and I know the pain of not knowing if children are in your future. I don't mean to be insensitive to you. If I know about you, I'm praying for you. Constantly.


Jenn @ Knee-Deep in Munchkin Land said...

I have waited to shout this news from the rooftops! =) Our God is so amazing and works in miraculous ways. We are so happy for you and can't wait to meet Miracle #2. I love you!

Ali Thompson said...

I'm so SO happy for you! I've been praying for you and thinking of you every time I see a rainbow. Actually I saw one about three weeks ago and I was like, "that's the one. That one is for Christine." Dunno why...but God is so good!

Becky said...

CHRISTINE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am *so* happy for you and Caleb! God is so faithful and amazing and I'm so overjoyed to know He has allowed this miracle to happen! I will be praying and praying that you have a healthy pregnancy and that #2 is just as wonderful as Eliie! is! =) Congratulations my friend!

Courtney said...

This post made me tear up and I am so excited that we can finally announce the amazing news! And this will be our first baby in April, way to spread the family members out. =)

Kendra said...

That IS a miracle! Praise God! I totally got goosebumps reading your post. That is the best news I have heard all week. (Really, it is...especially considering what has happened in my family this week) Something sweet is that the due date happens to be my birthday, so I won't be forgetting and constantly asking you when you're due. :)

Kendra said...

P.S. I will be keeping you in constant prayer that the pregnancy goes smoothly and that baby is healthy.

Sarah @ Dandelion Chronicles said...

Hooray! I was hoping this was what the big news was! I have been and will continue to pray for you guys and for a healthy baby in April! Congratulations!

Unknown said...

Praise God! I love this story!! What a beautiful story of how God LOVES to bless us. He longs to give us a testimony of how He has worked a miracle in our life!

You have such a precious and sweet spirit and I can feel God's amazing love and provision all over this post.

What a blessing you are and a blessing to share this with all of us!

Ephesians 3:20 says "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,"


Lindsay said...

Yay! Praise God! We are so excited for you guys. We will continue to pray.

Kristen said...

I have been WAITING and checking for this post since I saw your sisters talking about a secret. I am so happy for you and after reading this, have found myself crying at work :) Know that you and your newest blessing will be in my thoughts throughout this journey!

Rebecca said...

I am so very happy and excited for your family! God works in incredible ways, you have an amazing story of His awesome love for us.

Malisa @ Sanity in Small Doses said...

Congratulations! What amazing news!! I will pray for a healthy baby boy or girl for you and your family. I'm so excited for you and Caleb!!

Jess said...

Yay, Christine! I'm so happy for you, Caleb, and Elliana. Congrats! What a wonderful miracle.

--Jessica Broderick

Kamma said...

Oh Christine, I'm sooo happy and excited for you guys! Brought tears and goosebumps. I'll be praying for you throughout it all!

Dareth said...

Christine, Caleb and Elliana,
I am so overjoyed for your family!!
Our God likes to show up in big ways, doesn't He?
I can't wait to hold that bundle of joy in my arms next year.

Anita Kaiser - Feia said...

I am so excited to hear about this! I'll be praying for you all!

Christi said...

Congratulations. I'm so overjoyed for you.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful way to announce God's miracle! We can't wait to meet that little one! We love you four!! Love, Mom and Dad H.

Amber L. said...

I'm jumping for joy for you guys Christine. What a neat story of God's timing. I'll be praying for a heathy pregnancy. Congrats to you both! Spring is a great time to have a baby. : )

Tara Brown said...

Praising the Lord with you!!!! Congratulations!!!

Christina said...

SO very very happy for you!!!

Anonymous said...

Your blog brought tears to my eyes!! Not only because of the TRUE MIRACLE this little baby is, but because of your heart!! You are sensitive to others possibly struggling with infertility in the midst of your joy. What a blessing you are. =) We are all so awed about this pregnancy; God shows Himself in such powerful and magnificent ways!! We will be praying for you all and this baby!! Congratulations again, honey!! =)
We love you, Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

PS I LOVE the verse you have in this blog too!! =)
Love, Mom

Dana Marie said...

Chris, I cannot even tell you how happy I am for you! I can't think of a couple more deserving of such a blessing... love you!

Tina J said...

Christine, I just read the news (catching up on my blog readding tonight!) and am thrilled for you and Caleb. CONGRATULATIONS!!!

About Me

My Photo
I am a daughter of the King. Saved by grace. Follower of Christ. I love my God and I believe that he is faithful and true to his word! I'm still figuring out and trying to follow his plan for my life. I am a wife to my best friend Caleb, a mother to my miracle babies (they are my greatest joy and challenge), a sister and best friend to 3 passionate women, and a daughter to 2 amazing parents that continue to teach me what it is to be real and faithful to God and his word. I am lucky to get to be a stay at home Mom (thanks to God's provision). I love music, singing, coffee, cooking, baking, traveling, our beautiful state of Colorado, and mostly being with the family and friends that I love!

Husband, Caleb

Husband, Caleb
Caleb is an amazing husband and father. He is always so good to me. He is my best friend. He is the romantic one. We love to laugh and spend time together. We've been married for 7 years and I just love that I get to spend the rest of my life with him.

Our 1st Miracle

Our 1st Miracle
Elliana Faith... God blessed us with our first miracle little girl in December 2008. She is sweet, smart, spunky, funny, strong willed, precocious, extremely outgoing, vocal and so full of life! She brings us so much joy.

Our 2nd Miracle

Our 2nd Miracle
Ethan James,.. God blessed us with our little boy in March 2011. Ethan was a bit of a surprise and an even bigger miraclle. Ethan is ALL BOY! He is very active, into sports and running around. He is also sweet, introverted, affectionate, and laid back. These days he often has us laughing, he's starting to show a little bit of "clown" in him. He makes our hearts happy too. :)

Our 3rd Miracle

Our 3rd Miracle
Emsley Jeannette... Our surprise baby girl was born on June 11th, 2013 and came into the world 4 weeks early. Her first 2 weeks of life were spent in the NICU, but due to God's hands and the prayers of many people, she grew quickly and came home to join our family! She is an easy, sweet baby and we are enjoying getting to know her personality.


We fight one day and then the next day we're fine. We're always loud and crazy when we get together. We're very passionate. We've been through it all together, lots of ups and downs. We're eachother's biggest supporters.


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