I simply can not believe our Ethan is already half way through his first year of life! Where is the time going?!
I'm a week and a half late posting his 6 month update, but we've been busy. Ha!
We had his 6 month well child check Wednesday afternoon and I'm pretty sure he is going to take after his daddy's build. He gained 1.7 pounds since his 4 month check up, but grew almost FOUR inches! Yep, I think he's going to end up long and lean. :)
Ethan, this is what you were like at 6 months of age:
~You weigh 13 pounds, 11 ounces and are in the 1st percentile for weight. You are 26 inches long and are now in the 28th percentile for height. You are officially the tallest baby on mommy's side of the family. I have no doubt you will keep getting taller and taller.
~You are still wearing size 2 diapers.
~You still wear some 3-6 months in clothing but you are beginning to wear a lot of 6-9 month clothes.
~You are still taking a bottle every 3-4 hours. You aren't nursing much anymore. You will typically nurse once or twice a day now. :(
~We tried solid foods for the first time a few weeks ago. You're still getting the hang of it and you push it out of your mouth a lot. I'm sure once you get this down, you will love to eat!
~Over the last month you have become a great sleeper for the most part. Most nights you sleep in your crib 6-8 hours! There's always a few exceptions, but "bad nights" are happening less and less often.
~You are taking either two 2 hour naps, or one long 3-4 hour nap during the day. You like your sleep! When you are a tired baby, it really changes your mood.
~You are teething like CRAZY! You are constantly drooling and chewing on your fingers and hands. Unfortunately, in the last few days, you've acted like you're in pain. I keep looking for teeth but I don't see any yet.
~For the most part, you are a very happy baby. If you are well fed and well rested, you love to smile, laugh and giggle. You still make lots of serious faces too.
~You can now roll from your back to stomach and stomach to back. Since you aren't crawling yet, you have decided that this is how you're happy to get around for now. We will leave you in one spot on the floor and come back to find you have rolled across the room!
~You are sitting up more and more with support. We like to use the Boppy pillow to support you.
~You are becoming more and more content to be on the floor and play.
~You are so curious about your world now. You love to reach, grab and play with anything.
~One of your favorite places to be is your exersaucer. You hardly ever go in the swing or bouncy seat anymore.
~Your relationship with your sister has really taken off this month. Nobody makes you laugh or smile like she does. You have even started "wrestling" a little (she mostly gets on top of you and wrestles you). You love it though and you always giggle when she does this.
~Nicknames: Mister, Little Man, Sweet Boy, Handsome and sometimes EJ.
~You are not as content to sit and cuddle as you once were. I can tell by the way you look around that you can't wait to be mobile and explore the world around you. I guess you're too busy to cuddle. I'll take what I can get though.
~Ethan we love you more than words can say. We are so thankful for you and are enjoying watching you grow and change. We can't wait to see what God has in store for you!
2014: page two hundred sixty-four
10 years ago
I love how much you've been posting lately and all the cute pictures! Now just upload some crazy stories from Ellie and I'll be good =)
Firt of all, I love your new fall design on your blog! Perfect! =) Second, I can't believe that Ethan is six months old already!! He will want to take on the world pretty soon--and then watch out!! =)
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