Tuesday, April 24, 2012

All Because Two People Fell In Love...

Caleb and I went out to dinner Friday night with Elliana and Ethan. Caleb and I love going out on dates just the two of us, but going out as a family creates a completely different feel. It's a lot of fun, and a lot stressful. Especially because we have VERY active children that don't like to sit long for ANYTHING. Ha!

While we were focused on containing the chaos and trying to keep the noise level and messes down, a very sweet elderly woman walked up to us. She commented on how cute our little ones were. I just smiled and said "Thank you." She started walking away and then turned around to say "My husband and I have 28 great-grandchildren!" She was beaming with pride. I Congratulated her and told her she was very blessed. She was a beautiful woman, one that had aged very gracefully, and was obviously proud of her family and the life she has lived.

Then I got to thinking. Not many people live to see their great-grandchildren, let alone 28 of them! I looked at Caleb and thought to myself, I wonder how many of our grandchildren or great-grandchildren we'll get to meet. It's hard to imagine now when we're in the thick of growing and raising our own small family. Still, it was fun to think about.

This lead me to think about how my family-the family I grew up with, has already grown so much.

My sisters and I have a tradition of surprising our mom with family photos for Mother's Day every 3-4 years. It's a fun tradition, and this year was extra special because our very talented friend Becky was photographing the family. As always, we had a blast and she did a FANTASTIC job! These are just a few of the favorites she shared on her site, we haven't even seen all of the photos yet.

Over the years my family has grown from this:

To this:

That's 4 sisters, 4 husbands, and 6 little ones all ages 7 and under. And my 2 younger sisters haven't even started having children yet.

I can't help but wonder what this family will look like 10, 20 or 30 years from now.

Or what families will grow from these 6 sweet faces:

Whatever the future holds, I'm so thankful that my parents fell in love, and that they have their own growing family to show for it.

And I'm also thankful for Becky. For taking such beautiful photos that we will cherish for years to come. I can't wait to see the rest!


Dareth said...

These pictures make me want to have a bigger family ;) They are fabulous!

Kelly said...

Beautiful post you wrote

Courtney said...

So true, it's hard to believe how much our family has grown let alone what it will look like in another 1-2 generations. We are so blessed!

amanda howard. said...

awesome family photos!

About Me

My Photo
I am a daughter of the King. Saved by grace. Follower of Christ. I love my God and I believe that he is faithful and true to his word! I'm still figuring out and trying to follow his plan for my life. I am a wife to my best friend Caleb, a mother to my miracle babies (they are my greatest joy and challenge), a sister and best friend to 3 passionate women, and a daughter to 2 amazing parents that continue to teach me what it is to be real and faithful to God and his word. I am lucky to get to be a stay at home Mom (thanks to God's provision). I love music, singing, coffee, cooking, baking, traveling, our beautiful state of Colorado, and mostly being with the family and friends that I love!

Husband, Caleb

Husband, Caleb
Caleb is an amazing husband and father. He is always so good to me. He is my best friend. He is the romantic one. We love to laugh and spend time together. We've been married for 7 years and I just love that I get to spend the rest of my life with him.

Our 1st Miracle

Our 1st Miracle
Elliana Faith... God blessed us with our first miracle little girl in December 2008. She is sweet, smart, spunky, funny, strong willed, precocious, extremely outgoing, vocal and so full of life! She brings us so much joy.

Our 2nd Miracle

Our 2nd Miracle
Ethan James,.. God blessed us with our little boy in March 2011. Ethan was a bit of a surprise and an even bigger miraclle. Ethan is ALL BOY! He is very active, into sports and running around. He is also sweet, introverted, affectionate, and laid back. These days he often has us laughing, he's starting to show a little bit of "clown" in him. He makes our hearts happy too. :)

Our 3rd Miracle

Our 3rd Miracle
Emsley Jeannette... Our surprise baby girl was born on June 11th, 2013 and came into the world 4 weeks early. Her first 2 weeks of life were spent in the NICU, but due to God's hands and the prayers of many people, she grew quickly and came home to join our family! She is an easy, sweet baby and we are enjoying getting to know her personality.


We fight one day and then the next day we're fine. We're always loud and crazy when we get together. We're very passionate. We've been through it all together, lots of ups and downs. We're eachother's biggest supporters.


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